IUI success rate depends on a couple’s fertility problem and age. Studies have found that for couples with unexplained infertility, the pregnancy rate for each natural IUI cycle is about 4 to 5 percent, and when fertility drugs are used, the pregnancy rate is about 7 to 16 percent
– Fertility treatment: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) | BabyCenter
It’s important to know the success rate of Intrauterine insemination before a couple goes for their first cycle. Equally important is to understand what the process feels like, so getting over the initial euphoria… after the doctor mentions that by trying IUI a couple with unexplained infertility (with potential male factor) can potentially have a child, here are top challenges affecting IUI success rates.

What You Must Know About IUI Success
When the male partner is experiencing a lower sperm count, or motility, a fertility specialist or gynecologist will most probably recommend IUI. But there are more situations when this treatment may be recommended, like unexplained infertility, endometriosis and to help same-sex couples become parents.
- So what does IUI do? It is a comparatively non-invasive process where a healthy sperm is placed as close to the Fallopian tubes as is possible. This helps increase chances of the sperm reaching the egg earlier than the other low quality sperms.
- The process starts with blood tests to check the hormone levels in the female partner. As for the male partner, their sperm is analyzed for concentration, motility and morphology.
- Then the couple can choose between natural IUI or a medicated IUI. The difference lies in taking fertility drugs so that more than one follicle matures and that increases the chances of pregnancy.
- The doctor then recommends a daily monitoring cycle that involves blood tests and ultrasounds. This is required to help the doctor get insights into the female partner’s hormone levels and follicle development.
- Based on these tests, when a mature follicle is ready to ovulate, the doctor prescribes a pregnancy hormone to be injected in the abdomen. This helps the follicle to mature and ensures the ovulation occurs within the next 36 hours.
Did you know? An egg survives for only 12 to 24 hours post-ovulation, while the sperm can live in the Fallopian tubes for days!
- Then its time for IUI day. The female partner undergoes the standard blood tests and ultrasound tests. And the male partner is asked to produce semen sample that is then “washed” to filter out the bad quality sperms. In due time, the doctor then pushes a catheter through the female’s cervical canal, pointed towards the top of the uterus. The male partner’s sperm is then injected through the catheter and into the female uterus with sufficient pre and post insertion care.
- Then comes the “2 week wait“. It can be one of the most agonizing parts of the whole process as the couple gets anxious with each passing day. But here the doctor will advise the couple to have realistic expectations, remember the chances for IUI success? So it’s important that the couple continues with their normal routine and not put all on hold for that pregnancy test.
Remember the chances for IUI success?
- Female partners under 35 have upto 20% chances of pregnancy with each IUI
- With increasing age the chances of pregnancy reduce and for women over 40 is drops between 2% to 5%
- Experts claim the peak IUI effect is around 3 to 4 cycles, it works like the compounding effect
- If after couple of IUI cycles pregnancy doesn’t happen, the couple must consult their physician about other approaches like IVF.
If the objective of a couple is to build their family, IUI offers one of the most non-invasive alternatives. However, if IUI fails due to any reason, and the couple still wants to have a healthy child, it is advisable not to lose heart as there are other assisted reproduction treatments that can be explored.
Consult with your doctor or for a 2nd opinion you may consult the fertility specialists at:
AKPI Women’s Hospital
Charuhas, Near Gaikwad Classes, Nashik – 422 001, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 9075011650, (0253) – 2596797, 2596798 , 2593938
Email: help@get-pregnant.in