Looking to get pregnant and want richer eggs and embryos? Then the environment in which your eggs and embryos develop must be positive. For they are very much susceptible to external influences like the food you eat and the health regimen you follow. More so when you’re trying IVF or ICSI.

Healthy Drinks Help You Get Pregnant
Researchers from Brazil analyzed more than 5,000 eggs from over 500 women to study the effect of food on their fertility treatment. And the report they presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, mentioned how fizzy drinks and even low calorie sweeteners negatively impacted the quality of eggs and embryos. The report also mentioned diet drinks that resulted in a profoundly negative impact.
According to The Daily Mail, Professor Adam Balen, Chair of the British Fertility Society, “the “false promise” of artificial sweeteners have a significant effect on the quality and fertility potential of a woman’s eggs.”
So drink healthy, increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Vitamins. Vitamins. Pre-natal Vitamins.
When you are trying to get pregnant, vitamins play an extra important role in your diet.
- Vitamin B – For healthy baby(s) development.
- Vitamin B9 – aka folic acid, helps prevent defects of spinal cord, brain and other birth defects.
- Calcium – Something very important for healthy bone growth.
- Iron – It helps prevent low birth-weight babies.
Consult your doctor even while you are trying to conceive about prenatal supplements that help eliminate some of the risks and have a healthy child.
What Else Can Help You Conceive
You are probably trying many positions to conceive. And some of you are probably aiming for twins. And while trying for the best time to get pregnant is commonplace, leading a healthy lifestyle is one important rule that many couples forget. So here are a few do’s and don’ts that you must try to follow:
5 Do’s & Don’ts While Trying For Pregnancy:
- Have lot’s of dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, fortified breads and cereals.
- Say no to alcohol, drugs, and fizzy drinks
- Opt for homemade sweets like sooji, laddoos and ghee based delicacies
- Take a break from caffeine… experts generally agree that caffeine affects fertility.
- Add calcium-rich foods like cheese, dahi, and milk to your everyday diet.