A gynecologist near you can be the best source of information for any pregnancy, childbirth or infertility related issues. And if you are feeling a bit uncomfortable discussing your personal challenges or issues, don’t worry, many people feel the same. But it’s important to go meet the best gynecologist nearby and take professional advice about your reproductive health. Be assured that the ladies specialist you are meeting is highly trained to address the most embarrassing questions and problems that you may have.

Infertility Checkup? Nothing To Get Embarrassed
It can be a challenging time for couples, when after long duration of trying to have a baby, there are no results. And when faced with the possibility of having infertility problems, either male or female, it may become embarrassing to discuss it further with the spouse. And at times this may lead to a feeling of guilt for either of the partners.
This is what Jaya (name changed to protect privacy) felt when her doctor discussed with her the possibilities of male and female factor infertility.
“It is disappointing to hear this thing about infertility, especially when you and your spouse have been sure of having the ability to procreate for the whole of your life till then…” says Jaya.
But Jaya was not one to leave any chances to become a mother and she secured and appointment with Dr. Samir Pawar, IVF Specialist at AKPI Hospital in Nashik. As a trained gynecologist, and having treated a number of patients challenged with pregnancy and infertility related issues, Dr. Samir explained to Jaya and her husband that they were not alone.
After the meeting, Jaya realized that, and quoting from Wikipedia, 20-30% of infertility cases are due to male infertility, 20-35% are due to female infertility, and 25-40% are due to combined problems in both parts. And that there are more than 10 million cases per year in India alone.
IVF Hospital With Leading Gynecologist Near You In Nashik
AKPI IVF Hospital has a highly skilled and experience team of some of the leading gynecologists in Nashik district. You can know more about the team by visiting the about section of this website. And the team has a skilled and trained support staff, who will assist you to book your appointment at your time of convenience and get the Free Consultation and Infertility Checkup done.
For Appointment, Please Contact:
AKPI IVF Hospital & Clinic
Charuhas, Near Gaikwad Classes, Nashik – 422 001
Telephone – (0253) – 2596797, 2596798 , 2593938
Mobile – +91 9075011650
Email – help@get-pregnant.in