A Ray Of Hope To Childless Couples
Test tube baby, which was considered no less than a science fiction until 1970’s shaped into reality by 1978 with the birth of the first test tube baby Louise Brown in Great Britain. The creators behind them were Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, for which Edward was conferred the Nobel Prize in 2010. This brought a ray of hope and ignited the lives of many childless couples. The light even got illumined in India, with the first test tube baby, Harsha Chavda being born in 1986. Its success and normalcy of growth is shown with Harsha being mother to a healthy baby boy, born recently in March of this year.

Test Tube Baby A Boon, And Its Process
In societies, especially in India, where being childless was considered a curse, test tube baby process has proved a boon to many women. Those who led a life laden with the taunts and insults of being barren. The success rate of test tube baby with the example of Harsha has brought in cheers in the lives of many couples.
For the process of test tube baby, it is created as a result of “In Vitro Fertilization” procedure where technical assistance is given to the reproduction process. Done by retrieving the sperm and eggs from male and female cell, and letting it to fertilise for a time period and then injecting it back into female uterus for its normal growth. The process includes a few surgical procedures, but those are mostly painless as anaesthesia is administered to the patient.
According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, “About 1% of U.S. infants are conceived through IVF. To date, IVF has contributed to approximately 5 million births.”
Possible Barriers: Test Tube Baby Cost And Location Solutions
Other than the medical complications if any, the major barriers are cost and location. With metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Pune growing expensive for such treatments, the probable alternative is Nashik, the developing city located near to them. With Nashik as a budding city, the costs are comparatively low and on top of that, it has a favourable climate for medical treatments. Thus many couples from Mumbai and Pune come to Nashik for this treatment. And being very cost-effective with a healthy environment, a treatment here can fill your married life with joy and fulfil your dream of being parents.
Alternatives. Lesser Costs. Better Future
Thus if you are the one cursing your fate for being childless, the solution is at your own disposal. With the advancement of technology in the medical field and availability of improvised techniques, go ahead in this 21st century and fill your lap with the bliss of having a child.
Consult the doctor today.