Infertility is the inability of a sexually active couple not using contraceptives, to achieve pregnancy in one year or two. What causes infertility… it can be in man and woman both. Around 20% infertility cases are because of problem in men and around 40%-50% are due to problem in women. Further, infertility can be a result of a combination of factors in both partners. But the good news is that, in most of the cases, infertility can be treated. And if not, couples can choose treatments like test tube baby at IVF clinics… like AKPI Hospital in Nashik.

So What Causes Infertility?

There are many factors affecting infertility in women and even men.

And age plays an important role in infertility. A woman’s fertility starts falling after the age of 32 and so is the case with men; as they age their fertility decreases. Then smoking increases infertility in both men and women, as well as alcohol consumption. Hence it is harmful for a pregnant woman to smoke or consume alcohol as it increases the chances of miscarriage. And mental stress due to any reason also increases infertility in men and women. Many women use illegal drugs, and this may cause infertility.

Ovulation disorder is another factor of infertility. Overactive thyroid gland, chronic disease like AIDS HIV or cancer, under active thyroid glands, poor egg quality, premature ovarian failure are among some ovulation disorder causing infertility in women. Or problems with uterus or Fallopian tube can cause infertility.

Infertility can be in men too. There can be lower sperm count, no sperm or low sperm mobility – where sperm cannot swim as it should. Or abnormal sperm and unusual shape of sperm are reasons of infertility. Or it infertility in men can arise from abnormal semen that can be due to testicular infection, testicular cancer, testicular surgery, overheating the testicles, varicocele, undescended testicle, hypogonadism, mumps, hypospadias, cystic fibrosis, radiotherapy, etc. 

Diagnosing Infertility Is Important

Infertility at some times can be self diagnosed – like when a couple is not able to conceive even after trying. However, it is recommended that one consults a infertility specialist. Testing infertility is generally done through general physical exam, blood test, semen analysis, ultrasound test, etc. And in women, it is done through Hysterosalpingography, Laparoscopy, Ovarian reserve testing, Pelvic ultrasound, Thyroid function test, etc. 

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