Most couples wanting to have a baby and trying out different treatments probably know about test tube babies. At AKPI Hospital, we routinely get a number of inquiries from couples located in Mumbai to Pune and neighboring cities about the process and the cost of test tube baby. For the benefit of couples who are new of this treatment, babies born through IVF procedure are called test tube babies. It is the process where the eggs and sperms are treated and then fertilized in laboratories.
What are the expenses?
This procedure is generally expensive in India and even more internationally. And the entire procedure in one cycle generally costs around 110,000 lakhs to 200,000 lakhs in the metro cities in India. At AKPI Hospital in Nashi, one cycle costs approximately 80,000 and is inclusive of medicines. However, the cost rises when couples need more than one cycle to get the results.
So what is this cost about? This cost depends on several factors like individual treatments, use of fertility drugs and other sophisticated treatments such as sperm or egg donation, or ICSI. Freezing invites extra cost.
IVF is an expensive and complex process. The cost sometimes may increase as few cases require more numbers of hormonal injections for oocyte formation. And when couples want to preserve embryo for a year or two, they have to pay more.
Additionally, a couple may require donor oocyte; that again increases the cost of IVF. Plus there are many couples who want or need a surrogate mother, which requires consultation of a lawyer and payment to the surrogate mother. So opting for surrogacy includes paying for surrogacy and post delivery care for surrogate mother in addition to good food.
It must be noted, that the success rate of test tube babies in India is said to be comparatively high. So it’s obvious that people from all over the world come here for the treatment. Plus many LGBT couples take this route to become parents.
Why Couples Go For Test Tube Baby? What causes infertility?
Couples suffering from infertility, i.e. the inability to conceive or not being able to become parents through natural process take this route. And most of the cases of inability to conceive is because of women (almost 40%-50%) and due to men it is about 20%. Either way these couples opt for procedures like IVF to have a baby.
More about infertility, read the blogs below.